Abstract submission
The International Scientific Committee invites authors to submit abstracts of presentation for consideration and inclusion in the programme. Authors must submit abstracts online. Please note that only electronic submissions will be accepted.
Deadline for Abstract Submission: September 20, 2011
Abstract acceptance notification: September 25, 2011
General Policies
Original as well as review data
Abstracts must be submitted in English.
Authors may submit more than one paper. An author should submit a maximum of one abstract as first author.
Upon submission, authors will receive a confirmation by e-mail. If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation after evaluation of the scientific committee, please contact with the Organization Secretariat.
Abstracts will be reviewed by an international panel of experts and will be handled anonymously. An abstract may be selected for oral or poster presentation, or may be rejected.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent to presenting authors befor September 25, 2011. Details of the presentation format will be included in the notification and on conference web site.
Presenting authors of the abstracts (either oral or poster) are required to register and pay for the registration fee. Failure to do so will result in exclusion from the final programme.
Abstract Format
Text of abstract is limited to 2.500 characters (including spaces)
Abstract title, author and co-author names and affiliation must be typed in appropriate boxes.
Author name includes family name and initials of author(s).
The name of presenting author must be underline.
Do not include degrees or professional titles (Dr, PhD, Prof, MD, etc.)
Abstract Content
Make the abstract as informative as possible.
Organize the body of the abstract as follows:
(a) objectives,
(b) methods,
(c) results,
(d) conclusions.
Organize the body of the abstract as follows:
(a) objectives,
(b) methods,
(c) results,
(d) conclusions.