General information

Meeting Venue
The Conference “Analytical methods to study oxidative damage, antioxidants and drugs” will be held in Białystok at Euroregional Centre of Pharmacy, Medical University of Białystok, Poland.

Meeting Language
The official language of the meeting is English.

Web Site
The meeting website is  All the details concerning the meeting will be updated regularly on this site. Abstracts may be submitted by electronic means via internet from this website.

Access and Transportation
Warsaw Chopin Airport is located 200 km away from the meeting venue. Transport from the airport to Białystok will be organized by conference secretariat .

Registration and Information Services
Registration fees cover access to the  scientific sessions, opening ceremony, workshops, welcome reception, conference bag and printed materials. All participants who have not previously registered will be able to complete their registration formalities at the “On-Site Registration Desk” on and after November 10, 2011.

Certificate of Attendance
A certificate of attendance will be prepared to all registered participants.

The Conference “Analytical methods to study oxidative damage, antioxidants and drugs” includes a exhibitions that will be open November 10-12, 2011. For exhibition invitation and information, please contact the Organization Secretariat at:

The average temperature in Bialystok during November is 5-15˚C during daytime.

The currency in Poland is Polish Zloty (4 PLN = 1 EURO; 3 PLN = 1 USA).

Business & Banking
Offices and banks are generally open 8:00 AM to 5:00, PM Monday to Friday.

Sightseeing tours will be organized on November 12 and 13, 2011. For this purpose, there will be a separate tour desk at the registration area. For further information, please kindly contact with the organization secretariat.

